As of 1st June we will be moving to the Whangarei Cruising Club.  This will be for all of the month of June while the car park is being resurfaced with asphalt at the Whangarei Contract Bridge Club.  Click Read More below to understand how our members' needs are being met during this period and to view a map.

Whangarei Cruising Club

The work needs to be done to keep you, our members, safe from tripping over.

·        Whangarei Cruising Club is located at 212 Riverside Dr, Parahaki.

·        All sessions of bridge will be held and all sessions at the normal times.

·        Lessons will continue at the usual times.

·        Towai Cup will be held June 12th (time to be advised and selection of members to be advised).

·        There will be no computer available to score sessions, so all sessions will be hand scored when (and if) we can enter into the bridge club safely.  This may mean scores could/will be delayed.

·        Tea/herbal teas/coffee/milk/sugar will be supplied.  Plastic cups and holders will be provided.  Please do not use any crockery that does not belong to the club.  You can take your own mug, but it cannot be left there, you must take it away at the end of the session.

·        Hand records will be at the back of the boards for scores to be written on.  Remember these need to be on the correct line, correct table number, correct contracts.  If the sheet is not correct neither will be the score.  If you are unsure how to complete the scores manually, please ask the director for guidance/assistance.

Car Parking

·        If you can manage to carpool then please do.  It will help with congestion.

·        All parking must be angle parking to allow room for everyone and there is parking in front of the cruising club.

We ask for all of our members understanding of the need for this temporary move.  We are very fortunate to have another club in our community host us for the month of June.  Please be respectful of the cruising club facilities and we ask that you be courteous and kind during this transition.  Whilst not ideal, this temporary arrangement enables bridge to continue to be played, rather than closure of the club for a month.

As of Thursday 1st July we will be back at the bridge club, with the asphalt completed.